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Specialties in Our Farm Shed

When you come to visit the farm to u-pick fresh organic produce, don't forget to step into our shed to see what treasures are to be found there. We typically have some of our dried herbs, grains, and seeds packed up and ready for purchase.

We partner with other organic farmers and our beekeepers so that we can stock and sell freshly bottled edible products that are locally produced by fine purveyors.

Our raw honey is farmed onsite and bottled by Beeopic. They collect the wild flower honey from the hives on our farm, gently cold filter it and bottle it. We can't sell the honey as 'organic' because the bees forage beyond the farm fence line. It has a rich varied color and flavor. Because it is raw and unfiltered it naturally crystallizes, which tells you it has pollen grains and other nutritious constituents.

We also have bottles of certified organic Black Point Olive Oil. This oil is produced by a small family farm in Novato. The olives are hand-picked, stone pressed, and bottled in dark green glass bottles. This olive oil is an award winner. It has a very rich peppery flavor and is rich in healthful polyphenols. We have a 'taster' bottle in the shed for you to try it first and be delighted by the amazing flavor!

Our farm is open year-round every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the afternoons. You may come to u-pick fresh fruits, flowers, herbs, and vegetables; purchase organic perennial vegetables starts; enjoy walking to see the horses in our back pasture; and don't miss out on the treasures in our farm shed. Small children (of all ages) are welcome. Hope to see you soon!

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